Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008 at Grandpas

Here we are again, Christmas at Grandpa's house. When all showed up, we rapidly increased in number and piled into the dining and living area, ate and talked about what trouble we got our selves into in the last 6 months.
The kiddos needed some time to relax and get comfortable, Charlie had to attach himself to me for a about an hour, after that he did really well, it was also the same for Gwen to Lindsay. Logan was happy to see the Christmas tree and all the dogs; no attachment issues with him.

Towards the end the kids were past tired and the adults were burning up because of all the body heat. Several of us decided it was time to pack back up. I think the longest travel out of us all was Laura and Joe, they had to drive up to Seattle that night. The rest of us had spent the night at Grandpa's or traveled home. Aaron ,the boys and I decided to visit some friends and stay there for the night. We all had a great time and we hope to see you all at the Family Reunion.

Friday, December 26, 2008


In the words of the TICK: SPOOON! In most of Logans pictures you can see him carrying the wooden spoon everywhere, so be on the look out. If Aaron and I knew that a wooden spoon made him this happy we would've gotten him some.
Charlie is slowly getting better and their were many things that made him happy; Curious George, juice, and crackers. Charlie also had many things that made him very, very upset like, anything. After a nap on a beanbag chair he did pretty well and enjoyed the rest of the day.
Steve came down, with a travel that took him 3hrs when normaly it takes 1 1/2 hr. When we got to the parents home Steve was shoveling snow, so I got another shovel and hepled for about a half hour after that I decided to take the Xterra in 4 wheel drive and pack it down ( so much easier and faster).
Sharon and Ben showed up, with the understanding that they had their work cut out for them to help entertain the boys and to help eat all the food.
Mike, Sarah, and Corbin came to the house later and Corbin was Moms exchange, she did not disapoint him, Sarah and Mike came home with many more gifts.
Everybody opened gifts, ate, and watched The Christmas Story, all is well and ready for the New Year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What do I do with this stuff?

Out of all the snow on the ground Logan finds the only leaf and is his favorite thing for now.

This is the boys three days ago, which means before the extra 6 inches of snow. Logan took to the snow like a winter rabbit and Charlie, well Charlie is almost like a cat and water, willing to drink it , but playing in it for fun, not so sure.

So with all the snow and ice we are all stuck home and that means amusing ourselves with what we have. I know what Cabin Fever is now, but this way I have a ton of time to update photos and videos of the boys.

Logan still has a nice bruise on his head that is now turning into a black eye, but the doctor said that would expected. As for Charlie he got checked out and the doc. says that it's probably a stomach virus and to do what were doing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So it Snows

The boys like seeing the snow out the window, so I put them in Logans crib and they enjoyed it until the snow stopped falling ( for 5Min's) and playing outside the crib ensued. The snow is only about 3 inches now, but we will see how much really falls by tomorrow morning.
This picture is out of the boys window upstairs. I always like the outside when it snows, it looks cleaner, or fresh.

Oh my gosh STILL TEETHING, Logan is eating up his animal book and maybe when he gets all his teeth, the drool will stop.

Charlie, you are more like your mother than you'd like to know. This is why I have no bookshelf's for him to crawl up, but he'll find what he can.
For those who don't know, I used to climb very tall, and very wobbly bookshelves at his age and this is how my mom is repaid for giving her a heart attack every time I climbed. I get to live with Charlie climbing everything and anything Good Old Karma.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

You growns up and you growns up

Charlie pulled down the blanket and Logan thought it would make a good Tug of War game. Charlie was not amused by Logan's' game and was crying until he saw another toy, all was well again.

Here's Charlie and Logan (stripes) playing with the blue power light on my computer, as you can see Charlie acting like he's protecting the power button, but he's the one that started it. I can see it now Logan and Charlie blaming each other for something they were not supposed to do and so it begins.

Logan is sitting down and enjoying his show and his drink.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving began at Aaron's parents and the boys played with their toys and Charlie had his chance to climb the stairs and play with their cousin Gracie. Charlie took his nap here, while Aaron, Logan and I ate. He slept over 2 hours, wow did he play hard.
Then we packed up and drove over to my parents home where Charlie was making up for the meal he skipped and Logan took advantage of the warm stove and took his nap. Aaron and I were getting dessert.
Finally Logan woke up had little bit more food and so did Charlie. We packed up again and went home, then fell asleep.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pots and Pans

A little shout out to the Texans who gave us these shirts. Go Longhorns
Logan found the pots and pans at Grandma and Grandpas house. As you can see he really enjoyed himself. Who needs toys if you have dishes. Charlie was of course always willing to help out.
Charlie speaking: Do pans go on the head? Nope, to heavy and I can't see a thing!