Tuesday, July 22, 2008

They know how to have fun

The boys are getting faster and faster everyday Charlie's speed keeping up with the green ball, I'm sure his drool on the floor makes it easier to glide on the hard surfaces.
Logan is slower at crawling, but that dosn't bother him as long as he gets the toy. It's just a matter of time before he's faster then Charlie.
The harder they play the harder they sleep.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Baby Pictures

The boys are doing Great, teething still and getting more comfortable at bath time (wow, thank goodness) to the point they are actually enjoying it. Charlie is so close to walking , but crawling like a pro and Logan is crawling and is eating every thing that you offer like lemons, pickles, broccoli, cheese, watermelon, etc... you get the idea. They are going to be giving mom a run for her money in a few months as soon as they start walking, can't wait.