Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Duck Season, Rabbit Season.

Sharon is holding Charlie and I'm holding Logan feeding the ducks, holding the boys was the best idea because where there are ducks, there's dung and the boys don't know the difference yet. Charlie likes to feed the ducks then himself. Ben was the photographer for me, Aaron and I had gone several times before and seemed to forget the camera, so here we are.

You don't Say!

Charlie really enjoys playing with the magnifie glass at Grandpa and Grandmas house
Oh Logan, so sad. Don't feel too bad, he thought it would be a good idea to climb the couch and get down head first and this is what I get for saving him.
This is the power of Elmo, 2 mins after the crying. All is right with the world again.
We took a stroll through the park with all the waterfalls sorry I don't remember the name of it. The boys were scared at first because of the noise of the water, but got over it pretty quickly.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Yeah, Logan Walks!