Friday, February 27, 2009

Boys just wanna have fun!

What makes two boys this tired at the end of the day, well take a look
It was a great sunny day to visit Grandma Audrey's house, so we played outside for awhile.

At grandmas house there is a old bathtub outside in with her flowers, I don't think Logan cares as long as he gets to steer (shower faucet).

Logan and Charlie went over to check out the vegetable garden and the fencing that was keeping them from pulling out all the wonderful new plants they've never seen.

Charlie thought that all the dirt hills on the ground wasn't right, so he decided to fix the problem.

The boys in the cotton hats was a different day and much colder, but did not stop the boys from having a good time.( Logan in brown, Charlie in green)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Life is a Driveway

Logan in the Burgundy jacket and Charlie is in the bright Red "awesome" Spider man jacket ( I was told by a four yr old boy) in a waiting room, better then a 4o yr old comic guy.
Well the boys are taking advantage of their curious nature and decided that they need to see what all the rocks and brown puddles were for. Charlie took to the rocks first then saw a small puddle to get into, this lasted for about 10Min's.
Logan on the other hand saw the rocks and after being told several times that the rocks are not to be put in his mouth, he thought maybe the rose bushes would be a better idea, I know this does not sound like a good idea, but he didn't get poked once by the thorns, that was a surprise.
So if you have in accident prone child, put him in a room full of needles and he won't be hurt, but put him in a room with everything padded and put up out of reach and he'll hit his head or get hurt some how? I mean really, God must have a sense of humor.