Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Time

This is how many eggs Logan was able to get before finding a very long stick.
Charlie on the other hand found one egg then proceeded to play with whatever seemed fun at the time.

Again there are many ways I can go with these pictures, so I'll let you people reading and seeing their pictures come to your own conclusions. ( what is it about boys and sticks?)

Corbin had no problem and did a great job finding the rest of the eggs that the boys left on the ground. ( you can't tell he had fun, huh)

After finding the eggs and playing outside, Grandma let the boys help plant some flowers. They really enjoyed the hand shovel, but were confused about why they needed to put the plants into the planters box.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Get ready, get set, go!

There is no volume, but I'm singing to my momma.

Don't worry mommy I know you did this when you were my age, grandma told me so.

Hey Mom, I'm a cute guy, huh ! (Logan)

Just sitting back and relaxing. ( Charlie)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's so much fun, I got to do it again.

Logan has found that he can have fun spinning into his old crib-boarder and falling down and doing it again.

Charlie has picked out a basketball a few weeks ago, he loves to play with it until he takes his nap and when he wakes up he's ready to find the ball and play again.