Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yep, more pictures!

Charlie, getting ready for school to start and this is what he wanted to wear! Nice, but not quite appropriate something is missing?..... Oh yeah, pants!

This is Logan, nothing too special except I love this picture of him, soooo cute!

Aww, we had sun for 3 weeks and it was Great!! Charlie found out how the hose worked and he was very responsiable with it (who are you and what have you done with Charlie?) I did how ever have the water turned down so he really couldn't do to much damage (mainly soak me!)

Where there is a pool there Logan making a mud-puddle, he loves doing this any chance he can get. Logan: Oh, dirt is looks dry... Oh, theres some water.. I wonder what the water will look like when I put the water on the dry dirt? Oh, Wow it does that!! Well, I will put some grass in there and mix it with my finger, wonder what that will do?

Yeah, this can go on for hours because thats what he enjoys doing and hey, if water and dirt does that I am happy too!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

May the 4th be with you!

Grandma's quilts she made for the boys, they love them very much and will be used!
Thanks Grandma Audrey

Ryland and helping with building some puzzles the boys got from Amy and Bubz (parents of Ryland and Bryndon)

Bryndon just turned one, he had so much fun with all the wrapping he was entertained for hours!

Wow, 4 yrs old! The time flew bye, what a summer too or the lack of one but a full week of 70 plus weather isn't that bad either! We had a blast having our friends and family over to celebrate their b-day and the boys were thrilled with all the decorations and people to show-off to.

Mickey was apparently the best theme since that's mostly what they watch now. The ears they're wearing took no convincing to wear they were happy to put them on but, I have to admit I was wearing them so that probably helped(and I'm behind the camera so, Yeah). The boys still won't eat the cake with frosting on it but they had fun counting the cupcakes.

Dad got out too and Logan had no problem with picking up where their friendship. Logan thought it would be a good idea to give Dad a better view of the T.V. and we thought it might be better to put the locks on Dad's wheels! Though Dad liked that Logan tried to make a brake for it!:)

Finally, we ate all we could and played as much as you could possiably could. We all slept very well that night! Thanks for you guys who could make it and those who coudn't you were missed and maybe we'll see ya next time!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Go to Montana, raise rabbits!

So the ride there was a little warm and so was the ride back! We did pretty good, a fit from Charlie both ways and all he wanted was a little playtime(who could blame him) We stopped off at a McDonalds playland area and ate lunch and was on our way again.

Logan is a very good travel buddy, doesn't get car sick (oops, that was me and Charlie through the whitepass area, we made it through without anything coming up!) Oh, so Logan did Great on the drive, he also did like that we had a stop to play too.

We stayed at Susan's house for two nights and played at this Monster playground! The boys loved the playpark and we went back several times while we were there.

This is Lydia or I like to call her the sleepy one, since she slept most of the time while her brothers and 2nd cousins played or got in trouble (which wasn't all that bad).

Oh Kellen, what a big man and a little mans body! Such a sweet lil' guy until he flings heavy and hard toys at your head, not meaning to hurt you but man he has an arm, he just doesn't know how strong he is:)

Payton, knows what he wants and wants what he wants, now(but doesn't every 3 yr old)! He's very smart, very opinionated and very cute! The boys did help him understand the joys of leaving the train tracks and several ways to play with the trains while we were there.

The day before leaving we took all the boys and went bowling, Wow was I surprised on how well all the boys did. They didn't mind the awful shoes and picked up the ball without many problems! The waiting for a turn to bowl was the hardest but, they all did great!

Finally the ride back, no one got car sick , the roads were pretty good and we were happy to see our beds and be back home! Yeah, we did it and live to tell the tale!;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's the 4th of July!

In the words of Homer Simpson: Woo, WHO!!
It's the 4Th of July and everyone on Mike and Sarah's' block has a ton of fireworks! First things first, we BBQ and get the playing, food , drinks and conversations done before the show. The sun doesn't set until 9:30pm so we had plenty of time to get the other stuff out of the way.

OK, it got a little too loud and scary for Logan and Charlie, they did however like the fireworks that were a few blocks away but the one at my brothers place wasn't as fun. Next year, Earmuffs or Earplugs for the kiddos!

Poor Charlie, loved the look of them but the sound was too much! We went inside after 10mins, he didn't even want to watch from the window!

Such good spectators, that is before the sound of the fireworks were going. They had great seats and managed to sit down for awhile.

Corbin, hey you have a hole in your mouth! First tooth is gone.

Shirts VS Skins= The battle of the century!

I mean forget about the fact they have no idea how are what they are doing, it's just cute!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gearhart- Storms and Blakes

Grandma Audrey and Jonathan making some bubbles

Gearhart OR, it's the Bob and Audrey family reunion! All the family came out and spent 3 days together in a large rental home with several rooms and one long hallway the kiddos could not help but to Run through any chance they got.
We also celebrated the 50Th Yes 5-0! Anniversary of Bob and Audrey's marriage and their kids gave them a wonderful memory book full of pictures of old and young.
We had one very sunny afternoon and all the boys took full advantage and headed out to the beach and I went to the shops with Deanna and Audrey to walk around and enjoy the tourist stuff.

Hanging out watching a movie with Gracie, Jonathan,Charlie and Logan is out of frame but he's there.

Having fun when the sun is out!- Logan

I can make the water go up and stay there!-Matthew

Look mom, no hands- Charlie

Jennifer, Stormy and Blake were visiting for a month and we got to hangout and play around the house. I think Stormy has some fans! The boys quickly warmed up to her and she was more than happy to play with them.

I have mention Mrs. Hops, Blake named my frog I had(8yrs old) never named it so I told him he could come up with one.

Mr. Blake- stood still for me to take a picture, so when he goes back home I can show the boys what their cousin looks like after they head back. Good pose Blake!

Touch Down!, nah he was clapping his hands to a song that was playing on the T.V.

Stormy playing "Star fall" with the boys. They really like that website!!

We all had a hand in building the train tracks and Blake and Logan enjoyed playing with each other, well...more like playing near each other. They still had a blast!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Theres Big bed bugs that giggle in our House?!

So one morning the boys got bored and decided to play under the bed sheet and all I heard was giggling coming from the other room, so I knew something was up. This lasted about 15 Min's. long. Boy were they tired after that! Enjoy!-posted a smaller video on FB too.

Friday, June 10, 2011

School is out, Time to dance!

Ah, the school year is over! What's that, I have to watch my boys 24 hrs a day again! Oh no, well the dance was quick and fun...while it lasted!

Time to visit some family folks, get some swimming under our belts and get some grown up beds for the boys. We have a lot on our plates this summer but, we are planning on going to Montana and seeing Gregg, Kris, and family also Susan of course for about a week. The traveling shouldn't be too bad and hopefully the weather will workout so we can have some fun outdoors!

It will probably will be a while for the next posting, so bare with us while the summer is looking busy and hopefully I'll have pictures to show how busy.

Anyone else planning on traveling, take it easy and have a safe journey!

See ya in a few months!!:)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Portland Zoo, again

Lots of fun at the zoo and the boys really enjoyed the otters and penguins. We got a good view of the Black bears and wolfs. We are handling the time at the zoo alot better, staying longer with out a major meltdown.

The day we had gone there was a class of 1st graders having their lunch on a open grass area and Logan got down there and decided to run,run,run and a little boy was happy to run around with Logan, this lasted about 15 mins(2 hours mom time). They had fun and it was time to see the elephants anyway.

If you look carefully there some antlers on those heads!

Great drumming from Charlie, he has a natural beat in him! All I got a say is More Cowbell, Logan!

Someones personal space was invaded, the invader was not thrilled either, so funny they put up with me and trying to get a nice picture of them together and this is what I get:)