Monday, August 20, 2007

More pics

We're ready to go Mom and Dad!

"Now that I'm home, I'm hunting wabbits..."

Yes, I am that tired. Getting a few hours sleep here and there, but when you got two boys who eat every 2-3 hours, its tough. They have to be finger fed, which means you take a little tube into their mouth next to your finger and they suck on your finger. We can't wait until their mouths are big enough to "latch" on more. Feeding time will be MUCH easier when that happens. Off for another feeding....

Aaron & Amanda


Unknown said...

Awww they are so cute and tiny! I didn't realize you had to feed them like that! You don't look that tired! But we know you two and we know you both are doing such a great job with your beautiful boys!! :)

The Jones' said...

They are sooo ADORABLE!!! I will see you guys on Wednesday. I'll bring a bunch of recieving blankets and some premie diapers too. What are you hungry for? I'll plan on making you some grub so you can keep up with those boys of yours!

Susan said...

Yeah! Congratulations! They are so beautiful.

Make sure they get big enough to bounce by October. I'll be over to love on everyone then.