Friday, December 26, 2008


In the words of the TICK: SPOOON! In most of Logans pictures you can see him carrying the wooden spoon everywhere, so be on the look out. If Aaron and I knew that a wooden spoon made him this happy we would've gotten him some.
Charlie is slowly getting better and their were many things that made him happy; Curious George, juice, and crackers. Charlie also had many things that made him very, very upset like, anything. After a nap on a beanbag chair he did pretty well and enjoyed the rest of the day.
Steve came down, with a travel that took him 3hrs when normaly it takes 1 1/2 hr. When we got to the parents home Steve was shoveling snow, so I got another shovel and hepled for about a half hour after that I decided to take the Xterra in 4 wheel drive and pack it down ( so much easier and faster).
Sharon and Ben showed up, with the understanding that they had their work cut out for them to help entertain the boys and to help eat all the food.
Mike, Sarah, and Corbin came to the house later and Corbin was Moms exchange, she did not disapoint him, Sarah and Mike came home with many more gifts.
Everybody opened gifts, ate, and watched The Christmas Story, all is well and ready for the New Year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We really enjoyed your visit! the boys are growing so fast! :) I hope their stuffy noses go away soon! I'll have the photos up on the kids site soon! Hope you all got home safe and sound! The Gaffney Family