Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ect, ect, ect....

This is what we do at 10am when it gets about 100 degrees outside by 1pm, we play early and end up indoors the rest of the day, go AC. With the upside of making eggs on the pavement, diaper babies, and seeing people on the news waiting in line for an air conditioner, it will be sad to hear within a week or two that the rain, wind or clouds are annoying us(Washingtonians) again and where did the sunny days go.

I had started this quilt in late of 2002 for Jennifer and well time and money got in the way of finishing it, but Audrey's sister Judy was starting to quilt again and offered to finish it for me since two kiddos weren't making the project finish it's self, so Judy came to my rescue and the quilt looks great.

Logan found out that our entertainment center is very entertaining and when Charlie saw what was happening , well monkey see monkey do.

So this is our backyard and a few times a week we get a deer going through. They stop for a few minutes and eat a couple flowers and their on their way again. The boys like to see them , but lose interest quickly.

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