Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!! yeah thats on purpose

So the boys decided to Drum in the holidays Matthew McConaghey style, except clothed and only high on sugar! We had a LONG year, hence the word long in Caps. The boys are going to Pre-school twice a week and are doing better at me leaving and them staying. Still potty training but I will not be defeated, at this pace I don't have a choice, but I do have a helper at their school that is helping in the area and others for Logan and Charlies speech and developmental needs at school which is a Huge help!!

Charlies speech has increased but so have the tantrums, normal for a three yr old. He is also growing like a weed so I'm sure the testing and fits are the growing pains.
Logan's speech is coming along but learned that he will need additional help with learning techniques that are more common with children with Autism, so baby steps and different way of learning for me.

See they can sit and be civil, well at least for a few moments.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Get a Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Kristianne and Gregg said...

Looks like you guys had a good Christmas too! I love the picture of Grandpa Jones with the tissue paper bonnet :) The boys look so old. They look so much taller than Payton. It must be nice for you to have them in preschool a few days a week. Good luck with potty training!