Saturday, March 12, 2011

More words, less pictures.

So it's March and good thing to, the Wet weather is beyond annoying. Now we have wind and rain already hitting us early this month, at lest it's not snowing!Yet. That being said I cannot wait for the sun and see a blue sky( lasting more than 10min's).

Here in the west we had to be on a tsunami watch because of the Japan 8.9 earthquake luckily it had been only 4 ft higher than normal thankfully not many people went out to see the larger waves and became victims themselves. Unfortunately I can't say the same for Japan, so sad and all you can do is watch on the t.v. what is happening. For the people who don't know, there is a military base set in Japan and lots of family and friends are waiting for loved ones to reach them. I think this is so hard to even wrap our heads around, so I guess we pray for finding survivors and hope they work together in rebuilding their country, brick by brick.

On a much lighter note, Charlies new hero is Alex Trebek, he pretends to talk to contestants and claps for himself and then he mixes in Wheel of Fortune and says a letter and pretends the couch cushion's are the letter screens. Very funny, no pics he's camera shy when he does this.

Logan has been more vocal, not verbal though he has been trying more and more lately. He is still very much into Thomas and is starting to put letters together and finding out that they make words, my little sponges. Also Logan has been more interested in looks at the books he picks out and taking more time to go through them before bedtime, Yeah.

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