Friday, April 29, 2011

No Eggagerations!

Off we went to Mike and Sarah's for an Awesome Brunch and Egg hunt. We had a smaller turnout of children(colds) but that just meant more eggs for the rest. A slow start for the boys but soon enough we had Charlie picking up eggs in no time. Logan had the idea that we were making him clean up the yard (in a way he's totally right) he took a little longer but started to get the idea to keep the eggs in the basket and there's Candy in those eggs! Jackpot!!

Corbin, made out like a bandit!! The slow start of the boys and one other much younger boy helped Corbin get in his opportunity, he did great and found some pretty hard eggs hiding in the trees and bushes. The rain did not dampen their spirits to going outside and the hunt was over just in time for the rain to start again.

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