Saturday, August 25, 2007

Charlie Pics

Charlie likes to lounge now too!

Charlie's cousin Stormy Reisch holds him while he settles in after a feeding.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

More Cute Pictures

Lounging Logan, He sleeps this way all the time.
If you feed him, he will grow! Charlie REALLY enjoys feeding time.

We realized we didn't have any pictures of us holding both at the same time, so here they are! Enjoy.

Aaron & Amanda

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Doing very good

Logan and Charlie had their first doctor visit today, they were weighed and had their 2nd bili rueben test (Jondis) - we'll know the results of the blood test on monday, but the weigh in went VERY good. They are back up to their birth weight! Woot! :D


Monday, August 20, 2007

More pics

We're ready to go Mom and Dad!

"Now that I'm home, I'm hunting wabbits..."

Yes, I am that tired. Getting a few hours sleep here and there, but when you got two boys who eat every 2-3 hours, its tough. They have to be finger fed, which means you take a little tube into their mouth next to your finger and they suck on your finger. We can't wait until their mouths are big enough to "latch" on more. Feeding time will be MUCH easier when that happens. Off for another feeding....

Aaron & Amanda

They're home!!

The lights paid off. It was worth it waiting the extra day because now they should not have to go back to the hospital. We came home Sunday around 2 pm and have settled in to a fairly even schedule. The hospital setup a more detailed webpage for the boys here:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maybe Sunday....

Under the ultraviolet lights, just makin sure their "bili" doesn't keep climbing (Jondis). Logan (right) is lounging gettin his tan and Charlie (left) is scratchin his backside catchin some rays. :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

More pics as promised...

They passed their bloodtest, the pediatrician wants to send us home on Saturday! Our fingers are crossed. :D

Doing good

Both boys are doin good...Charlie has been totally taken off the oxygen and his constant monitor. He still has a few antibiotics to run, so we'll probably be here through the weekend. Their doc says if their bloodwork they had this morning comes back good, they will probably go home this Sunday! :D I will try to upload a few more pics tonight, I've got a really cute one of them snuggling with each other in the same basinett...I'll upload that one.

Thanks for all the well wishes!

Aaron & Amanda

Thursday, August 16, 2007

They're here!!!!!

Charlie is doing MUCH better now and will join Logan and us in Amanda's room probably in about an hour.They were both born at 3am via c-section on Tuesday morning - August 15th. Amanda is doing great and eating normal foods again. Here's some pictures - and since I'm at the hospital, they limit the upload stuff, so this is all I can upload at the moment.I'll post again tomorrow with more info!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

About time!

Okay Dave, I finally made a blog!

Welcome to Aaron and Amanda's family blog. Visit often to keep track of our growing family.

Amanda is doing good, she's 34 weeks and 5 days and the doctor told us last Tuesday that we'll probably do a scheduled c-section around 38 weeks! I'll post some images of Amanda's growing belly sometime this week. We have another doctor appointment this Thursday, so I'll post what news we have after that.

Logan and Charlie are coming soon to a blog near you! :)