Thursday, August 16, 2007

They're here!!!!!

Charlie is doing MUCH better now and will join Logan and us in Amanda's room probably in about an hour.They were both born at 3am via c-section on Tuesday morning - August 15th. Amanda is doing great and eating normal foods again. Here's some pictures - and since I'm at the hospital, they limit the upload stuff, so this is all I can upload at the moment.I'll post again tomorrow with more info!



david said...

Couple of cute lookin guys! Congrats and sleep at every opportunity... they will be few.

Unknown said...

They are so handsome and cute! I'm crying! Congrats guys. You did wonderful! I cannot wait to meet them! Love, Matt, Kristin and Lilly.

Greenlyt said...

Hey man, Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Logan and Charlie welcome to BCB!